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Monday, October 29, 2012

Savannah-1 Month!

Well Savannah is actually 6 weeks old now, but better late than never right? We have had such a great time getting to know our little one over this past month and I can't wait to see what month 2 has in store!
Loves:Sleeping on my chest (I can hardly get her to sleep anywhere else!), rocking in Daddy's arms, looking in the mirror, sitting in her swing and watching the mobile!

Eating: She eats about every 2 hours during the day and goes about 3 hours between feedings at night. There are some days when she eats every hour during the day, but thankfully she doesn't eat that frequently at night (knock on wood!)

Sleeping: This all depends on the night. Usually she goes to sleep at around 10:30 and sleeps until 2, eats and sleeps until 5:30, eats and then sleeps until 8:30. Some nights she has slept 4 hour stretches, and some nights she has been up for 3 hours straight! So it all depends, but typically she does 3 hour stretches.

Clothes: She has been in 0-3 month clothes pretty much since she was born. Since she was born at 8 lbs, we only wore newborn clothes for about a week. She is long

Fun Facts: Savannah hates being swaddled, which most babies love! We first noticed this in the hospital. She would scream any time that her arms were wrapped up. She likes having them free! She also has the LONGEST eyelashes I have ever seen. Mommy is very jealous. And we have noticed that she can raise one eyebrow on both sides! Mommy can't do this, but Daddy can! It cracks us up.

Mommy Moments:Savannah had her first projectile spitup episode at Nana's house the other day. It actually went right over me since I was holding her up over my shoulder. It hit the dog bed and it hit my parent's dog Rocky! Poor thing haha! I have noticed

Firsts: We went to the Pumpkin Patch for the first time, "helped" Daddy carve a pumpkin, went shopping at Anthropologie, and went to church!

Now for a few pictures!

 First Family picture!

 First time to get all dolled up!

 First bath!

 1 month old!!

 1st time at the pumpkin patch!

 1st time to church!