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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Savannah-Month Three

Savannah is beginning to really interact with us more this month. She smiles all the time, and she is developing a little chuckle (not quite laughing yet)

Loves: She still loves her Baby Bjorn! She loves it so much that I am considering getting another type of carrier that holds more weight. Mommy's shoulders are getting tired!! She also loves standing with our help, playing on her jungle mat, chewing on anybody's fingers who will let her, and when people blow raspberries on her tummy.
Eating: We had gotten her on a 3-4 hour schedule during the day, and then she hit her 3 month growth spurt which put us back to every two hours. This also put us back to every 3 hours at night. I think she is coming out of the growth spurt so we will try to get back on schedule.
Sleeping: We moved her bedtime up this month to 8:30 because that is when she seems to get sleepy. She has been sleeping 3 hours at a time during her growth spurt and wakes up for the day between 7 and 7:15 am.
Clothes:Still mostly in 0-3 month, but she is in an odd stage where the 0-3 are getting too small, but 3-6 are still too big. I will probably start just putting her in 3-6 even though they are a little big.
Fun Facts: Savannah makes a funny face very time we put her in the tub while she adjusts to the water. We call it the "bath face". We finally got it on videotape this month. Her favorite toy to grab at is her hippo with a ball on the end of it on her playmat. She hates her carseat, which means she usually hates stroller rides. She starts making a funny face and wiggling her head back and forth, and Mommy gets her out and puts her in the Bjorn. She has me trained well haha!!
Mommy Moments: Savannah blew out of several diapers this month. I almost think we need to switch from Pampers to Huggies to see if those fit her better. In light of the tragedy in Connecticut I have had several moments of just staring at her and thanking God for every moment I spend with her. I especially cherish the quiet moments of just watching her sleep.

Firsts: She rolled from her tummy to her back! She usually can do it at least once a day. She is getting pretty close to rolling from back to tummy. She turns to her side, but she can't quite get all the way over. She started swatting and grabbing at toys this month. She also stuck out her tongue for the first time, and now she does it constantly! She is like a little lizard haha!! She visited the Lakehouse for the first time.  She celebrated her first Thanksgiving and took her first picture with Santa.
Now for some pictures of Month Three!

 Miss Thing already has an attitude!
 3 months old! Still looks just like Daddy!
 Christmas card photo
 Meeting Santa!
 First Thanksgiving
 Meeting the other great-grandkids on the Jaggers side!
 Savannah really enjoyed Month Three haha!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Savannah-Month Two

Month Two with Savannah was even better than Month One!! She has started smiling and cooing this month, and we have so much fun interacting with her. 
Loves: Her swing, eating, her pacifier, watching TV, and her Baby Bjorn. The Baby Bjorn is a lifesaver!! Anytime she starts to fuss, we can put her in there and she is usually asleep within 5 minutes!

Eating:She is starting to spread out her feedings a little bit. She usually eats every three hours during the day now. At night she will usually eat every four hours.

Sleeping: She usually sleeps 3-4 hours at a time. We put her to sleep between 9:30 and 10:00. Her Daddy lays down next to her while I take a bath and she is usually asleep by the time I get out. He has the magic touch!! She usually gets up for the day at 8:00. She has even had 3 nights this month where she slept 5 hours!!

Clothes: She still wears 0-3 month clothes, although she is already starting to outgrow them! We just bought some 3-6 month pajamas the other day, but she hasn't worn them yet.

Fun Facts: As I said before, Savannah loves the Baby Bjorn more than anything else! When Daddy puts her to sleep she has to have him hold one of her arms. She started to splash in the bathtub this month. We are about to have to move her upstairs to take baths so she doesn't get our kitchen all wet!!

Mommy Moments: Savannah blew out of her first diaper this month. Luckily it was while we were at home, so we didn't have to change her clothes while we were out. This was followed shortly by her spitting up all over her hair! Needless to say she got a bath right after that!!

Firsts: She smiled for the first time, stood up with our help, sat in her Bumbo, and blew out of her first diaper. She had her first Halloween and was a bumblebee, and got babysat by both sets of grandparents for the first time.

Now for some pictures of Month Two!

 Savannah at "her" restaurant!
 In her bumblebee costume!
 Savannah and her great-grandpa!
 Bathtime fun!
 Savannah being admired at Grandpa Evans' birthday lunch!
 Savannah and Aunt B!
 Savannah and Grandma and Grandpa Evans the first time they babysat!
Nana and Pops babysitting for the first time!

 2 months old!
 11 pounds, 22 3/4 inches long!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Savannah-1 Month!

Well Savannah is actually 6 weeks old now, but better late than never right? We have had such a great time getting to know our little one over this past month and I can't wait to see what month 2 has in store!
Loves:Sleeping on my chest (I can hardly get her to sleep anywhere else!), rocking in Daddy's arms, looking in the mirror, sitting in her swing and watching the mobile!

Eating: She eats about every 2 hours during the day and goes about 3 hours between feedings at night. There are some days when she eats every hour during the day, but thankfully she doesn't eat that frequently at night (knock on wood!)

Sleeping: This all depends on the night. Usually she goes to sleep at around 10:30 and sleeps until 2, eats and sleeps until 5:30, eats and then sleeps until 8:30. Some nights she has slept 4 hour stretches, and some nights she has been up for 3 hours straight! So it all depends, but typically she does 3 hour stretches.

Clothes: She has been in 0-3 month clothes pretty much since she was born. Since she was born at 8 lbs, we only wore newborn clothes for about a week. She is long

Fun Facts: Savannah hates being swaddled, which most babies love! We first noticed this in the hospital. She would scream any time that her arms were wrapped up. She likes having them free! She also has the LONGEST eyelashes I have ever seen. Mommy is very jealous. And we have noticed that she can raise one eyebrow on both sides! Mommy can't do this, but Daddy can! It cracks us up.

Mommy Moments:Savannah had her first projectile spitup episode at Nana's house the other day. It actually went right over me since I was holding her up over my shoulder. It hit the dog bed and it hit my parent's dog Rocky! Poor thing haha! I have noticed

Firsts: We went to the Pumpkin Patch for the first time, "helped" Daddy carve a pumpkin, went shopping at Anthropologie, and went to church!

Now for a few pictures!

 First Family picture!

 First time to get all dolled up!

 First bath!

 1 month old!!

 1st time at the pumpkin patch!

 1st time to church!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Savannah's Birthday

Savannah Kay Evans has arrived! She was born on September 17th at 6:16 pm. She weighed 8 lbs. even, and was 20 inches long. I wanted to record the details of her birth here so that I will always remember them! And one day I can tell her all about her birthday!! Warning: this post may be long!

I was scheduled to be induced on the 17th, so Brian and I spent our last day together making sure everything was ready, and taking one last trip to the zoo! I rented an electric scooter and rode all around the zoo like that! Brian thought it was pretty funny. I was geared up to head to the hospital on the morning of the 17th, but Miss Savannah had other plans! I woke up at around 3:30 am with some mild contractions. I waited for awhile and took a warm bath thinking they might just be Braxton Hicks contractions. They weren't going away, so I decided to start timing them. I was surprised to find that they were about 4-5 minutes apart. I called my doctor and she told me that the hospital was very busy and I probably couldn't get in to start my induction until around 9 or 10 am. She told me to call again if the contractions continued for awhile. 

The contractions slowly got to where they were 3-4 minutes apart so I decided to call the hospital. They spoke with my doctor and told me to come on in! I woke Brian up and we drove to the hospital. We arrived at around 7 am. Since the hospital was so busy, we had to wait in the waiting room until about 7:45 or 8 when they finally had a room ready for me. 

 Right after getting to the hospital!

I got changed and met my nurse. Her name was Megan and she was very nice! I was dilated 1-2 centimeters, but they decided to start Pitocin anyway to get things moving. Shortly after we got to our room, my Mom arrived. We had decided several weeks before delivery that we wanted my Mom to be in the delivery room with us. I am so glad we made this decision. It was so special for her to see her granddaughter be born. My doctor decided to break my water at 9:20 am. This was NOT fun haha, so I decided to get my epidural at 9:30 am. Around lunchtime we had another nurse named Ginger for a little while so Megan could take a break. We waited awhile and when my doctor checked me again at 12:40 pm I was 4 centimeters dilated. 

 Me and my delivery support team! Love them!!

Megan checked me at 2:00 pm and I was 5-6 centimeters. I kept telling the nurse that it seemed like her head was SO low, so she decided to check me again at 3:45. I was 7-8 centimeters and her head was very low. My nurse was shocked by how low her head was. The right side of my body basically lost the effects of the epidural and I was worried that I would not be numb for delivery. We decided to put in another epidural and adjust it a little bit so my right side would get numb. I will have to remember this for my next delivery! At 5:45 pm things started moving very quickly. I was fully dilated and her head was so low that my nurse decided not even have me do any practice pushes because she was worried Savannah would arrive before my doctor got there! She paged my doctor at 5:56 pm and my doctor got into the room at 6 pm. My epidural still wore off slightly on the right side, but luckily it wasn't too bad. Everything got set up very quickly and I started pushing somewhere between 6:08 and 6:10 pm. I only had to push through 3 contractions! Savannah was born at 6:16 pm, weighing 8 lbs even, and was 20 inches long! Right after she was born they took her to be checked by a neonatalogist because she had some meconium and they wanted to make sure it didn't get in her lungs. Everything was fine, and Brian was the first one to hold her when she came back in the room. I could not have asked for a better delivery experience. I was so blessed, and Savannah arrived perfectly healthy. 

Savannah Kay Evans!

 Our first family picture!
 Me and Megan, my nurse, right after delivery!
My doctor and I with baby Savannah!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

39 Weeks!

Well folks, this will be my last weekly update! I am headed to the hospital bright and early tomorrow morning to be induced!! So Miss Savannah Kay will be making her debut sometime tomorrow. That is surreal to think about, but so exciting at the same time!! Keep us in your prayers tomorrow!

Size of Baby: She is around 20 inches and over 7 pounds! We will find out exactly how big she is tomorrow!!
Total Weight Gain: 22 pounds

Maternity Clothes: Yep!
 Gender: GIRL!
Movement:  She still twists and turns quite a bit! It has gotten quite painful since she is so big! I am ready for her to be out haha!

What I Miss: Sleeping through the night (although that won't change much tomorrow haha!) and not having to go to the bathroom all the time!

Cravings: The last craving was skittles. I got some at CVS yesterday and they were so good!!

Symptoms: Still Braxton Hicks contractions, pelvic pressure!

Best Moment This Week: The best moments have just been spending some last minute time with my sweet hubby! We have watched a couple of movies, and we even went to the zoo one last time today. I rented an electric scooter to ride on haha! It was so much fun!

What I'm Looking Forward to: I cannot wait to meet our sweet baby tomorrow. It will be so wonderful to see this little life that has been inside me for 9 months!!

Baby Bump!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

38 Weeks!

I can't believe we are so close!!! The time just went by so fast!!! She could be here any day now. I have spent the week getting in last minute appointments before she arrives. My mom and I got pedicures on Friday and I got my nails done yesterday. I am planning to get my hair cut and highlighted on Tuesday if she doesn't arrive before then! So at least I will look pretty when she gets here haha!!

Size of Baby: We actually had a growth ultrasound on Thursday and they are predicting that she already weighs 7 lbs 7 oz!!! These ultrasounds can be a little off, but we were surprised that they estimated her to be that big already! We are glad to know that she is healthy, and they said she has a little layer of fat around her tummy haha!
Total Weight Gain: 20 pounds

Maternity Clothes: Yep!
 Gender: GIRL!
Movement:  She isn't really kicking me much anymore, but she still moves around quite a bit. My tummy just looks like a lava lamp! Although a couple nights ago, I was over at my Mom's house and she kicked me so hard!! We both jumped because my belly moved so much!!

What I Miss: Sleeping through the night, bending over, not having to go to the bathroom all the time!

Cravings: Bagels have been a constant, and I am still craving chocolate milk.

Symptoms: I have had some Braxton Hicks contractions, but luckily they don't hurt. They just feel strange!! I also get some pains in my thighs, probably just from the added pressure.

Best Moment This Week: The best moment this week was going on a cooking marathon with my Mom!! We cooked 9 dinners and froze them so they are ready to eat when Miss Savannah arrives!! We planned it all out, went to the grocery store, and spent two days cooking. Everything is labeled and split up into individual portions. I am SO glad we did this, because it takes away so much stress!! I could not have done it without her help!!!

 I am stocked up!! The rest of the meals are being stored in Mom's freezer because I ran out of room!!

What I'm Looking Forward to: I am looking forward to seeing her sweet little face!!! I can't wait to see what her hair looks like, whose features she has, if she has dimples, what color her eyes will be, etc.! All the ultrasound technicians have told us she has hair, so we are thinking she got Brian's thick hair!!

Baby Bump!