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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Savannah Month Eight

Loves: Still loves being tickled and being outside, whether we are on a walk or swinging at the park, she loves her pacifier, and loves all dogs. She also loves when Daddy comes home!
Eating: She has a bottle at 7, 11, 3, and then right before bedtime at around 7:30.She still eats 3 meals of baby food a day, along with Puffs and Yogurt Melts for snacks. She is still not a fan of solid foods. She will eat pieces of banana, and rice. She just doesn't like the texture of most solid foods.
Sleeping: She is still doing great with her sleep (knock on wood!) She goes to sleep around 7:45 and wakes up at around 7:15. She rarely wakes up in the middle of the night now. She takes a morning and an afternoon nap. The morning nap is from around 9:30 to 11, and the afternoon nap is around 1:30-3.

Clothes: She is wearing some 6-9 and 6-12 month clothes and Size 3 diapers. Some of her 6-9 month clothes are already too small, so we will have to move up to 9-12 month soon! She is getting so big!!
Fun Facts: Savannah loves puppies. She likes to "talk" (scream/yell) at them anytime she sees them. Her hair sticks STRAIGHT UP all the time. It is too funny. Everywhere we go, someone says something about her hair. My Dad always says we need to put some "product" on it. He has even tried slicking it down with water, but it immediately starts sticking up again.
Mommy Moments:Savannah used to nap on me all the time. Now she only does if she wakes up early from a nap and is still sleepy, but even this is rare. I was lucky to get a couple of nap sessions in this month, but I am cherishing each time because I know it will soon be gone. I love watching her experience something for the first time, like she did with swinging in a baby swing this month. It is so neat to see things through her eyes.

Firsts: She swung in her first baby swing, went to her first wedding (my cousin Jared and his new wife Brittany), traveled to Mississippi for the wedding, perfected army crawling, and stayed the weekend at Pops and Nana's for her first time away from me and Brian.

Now for some pictures of Month 8!

 This girl looks just like her Daddy!
 My sweet angel baby
 Playing with Gramps!
 Little lady!
 See what I mean about the hair?? Haha!
 Loving on Pops!
 Reading with Gramma!
 First time in a swing. Bliss!
 First wedding!
 Such a big girl!!! Mommy loves you so much Savannah!

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