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Monday, November 11, 2013

Savannah One Year!!

I know I am way behind on this post since Savannah is now almost 14 months, but I am still in denial that she is one year old!!

Loves: Her Froggy, being tickled, going on walks, being tossed in the air, being chased, Peek-A-Boo, being at the Lakehouse, the puppies, my parent's cat Simba, Mommy and Daddy

Eating: She continued to have 4 bottles a day throughout this month. At her one year checkup the pediatrician recommended weaning her from the bottle by 15 months. We are working on it, but currently Savannah will drink water and juice from a cup, but not milk! So we will see how it goes. She is eating much better, although she still does not like vegetables. She still loves fruit, and she also loves rice and will eat it by the handful.

Sleeping: She still takes a morning nap from around 10-11:30, and 3:00-4:30. She then goes to bed at around 8:00pm and sleeps until 7:30 am.

Clothes: She wears 12 month and 18 month clothes. She wears a Size 4 diaper.

Fun Facts: Savannah's 1st Birthday Party was on September 14th. We had so much fun!! It was a zoo-princess themed party. She did enjoy her cake, but she was pretty timid about eating it at first and we had to help her get started. She was pretty dainty in opening her gifts and would just tear one small piece at a time. It was pretty cute.
Firsts: As I am writing this Savannah now has 10 teeth, but at the 1 year mark she still had 8 teeth, but was working on her bottom molars. She started shaking her head yes this month. She still likes to say "Woah", but also says "mama" and "dada". She always says "dada" when she hears cars outside because she knows we hear Daddy's car when he gets home from work. She will let go of things often and stand on her own, but she is not interested in taking steps on her own yet. She still likes to crawl, and cruise around while holding onto things. She is pretty cautious, so even though she has great balance, she is nervous to take that first step. 

And now some pictures of Month 12!!

 Nana and I took Savannah to the zoo on her actual birthday!
 She had so much fun!
 Being silly with Daddy!
 Playing with Gramma and Aunt B!
 I can't believe how fast time flew!
 Opening gifts!
 Cake time!
 Watching TV with Gramps!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Savannah Month 11

Loves: Watching boats at the Lakehouse, BabyFirst TV channel, dancing to music, her Froggy, puppies of any kind, books, when anyone chases her while she crawls

Eating: She still has four bottles each day at 7, 11, 4, and bedtime. She usually eats egg, waffles, and blueberries for breakfast. For lunch and dinner she loves avocado and any kind of fruit. She will eat chicken, lunch meat, cheese, and seems to like ground meats like hamburger or ground turkey. We hit a rough patch at the end of this month where she got pretty picky and only really wanted to eat fruit, but she seems to be coming out of that now.

Sleeping: Sleep is still the same. She still sleeps from around 8 pm- 7:30 am, with a morning nap from 9:30-11 and an afternoon nap from 2:30-4:00 No complaints here!

Clothes: She wears 12 month clothes now, but is ready to move to 12-18 month clothes. She is now in Size 4 diapers during the day and at night.

Fun Facts: Savannah still loves boats. We went to the lakehouse again this month and she gets so excited every time a boat drives by. She also loves to bob up and down when she hears music and it is pretty cute to watch! Her favorite word is "Woahhhhh", and she says that about pretty much everything.
Firsts: She has 8 teeth now. She started clapping and waving this month. She started out waving with two hands, and now waves with just one hand. Travis and Megan babysat her for the first time this month. Gramps and Gramma stayed at our house for the weekend while we went out of town and watched her for the whole weekend for the first time. She started cruising around on everything. She also used her walker for the first time, although she prefers to crawl and doesn't use it for very long. 

And now some pictures of Month 11!!

 Boat ride!
 Savannah and Aunt Megan!
 Savannah and Uncle Trav!
 Fun with Gramps!
 Relaxing with Gramma!
 Lisa came for a visit!
 Trying out her walker

Big girl is 11 months old!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Savannah Month 10

Loves: Her Froggy that she sleeps with at night, her activity table, looking at pictures, cups with straws, the puppies, listening to Toddler Radio on Pandora, cruising on furniture, Baby Einstein videos and many more!
Eating: She still has four bottles each day at 7, 11, 4, and bedtime. She usually eats egg, waffles, and blueberries for breakfast. For lunch and dinner she loves avocado and any kind of fruit. She will eat chicken, lunch meat, cheese, and seems to like ground meats like hamburger or ground turkey. She is a pretty good eater, but fruits are definitely her favorite food. She is obsessed with blueberries!
Sleeping: Sleep is still the same. She still sleeps from around 8 pm- 7:30 am, with a morning nap from 9:30-11 and an afternoon nap from 2-3:30 No complaints here!
Clothes: She wears a mixture of 6-9 and 9-12 month clothes still. She is now still in 12 month pajamas. She still wears Size 3 diapers, and Size 4 night time diapers.
Fun Facts: Savannah went to the lakehouse for July 4th and we discovered that she loves watching the boats! Her moth opens wide and she bets excited every time they go by! She also loves Smoothie King. She had a few sips of mine twice this month and she is crazy about it. She got so mad when I took it away!! She now gets excited every time she sees a straw cup because she thinks its Smoothie King!
Firsts: She has 7 teeth now! She also started pointing at everything this month! She loves to point. When you ask her where the fan is she can point to it, and she can point to the puppies and to Brian and I. She pulled up on the glider in her room for the first time! She also celebrated her first July 4th holiday! She went on a boat ride for the first time at the Lakehouse!

Now for some pictures of Month 10!

 Miss Independent celebrating July 4th!
 Our family!
 Savannah's first boat ride!
 Happy baby!!
 Pointing at the camera!